A Nurse Is Reading a Chart and Sees the Term Oncotic Pressure


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Patho Ch one

Cellular Biological science

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A student is observing a cell under the microscope. It is observed to have supercoiled DNA with histones. Which of the following would besides be observed by the student? A nucleus
A nurse is instructing the staff about cellular functions. Which cellular office is the nurse describing when an isolated cell absorbs oxygen and uses it to transform nutrients to energy? Respiration
A eukaryotic prison cell is undergoing Deoxyribonucleic acid replication. In which region of the cell would most of the genetic data be independent? Nucleolus
Which of the following can remove proteins fastened to the cell's bilayer by dissolving the layer itself? Integral membrane proteins
Which of the following can bind to plasma membrane receptors? Ligands
A nurse is reviewing a report from a patient with metastatic cancer. What alternation in the extracellular matrix would support the diagnosis of metastatic cancer? Decreased fibronectin
Which class of prison cell advice is used to relate to other cells in direct physical contact? Cell junction
Pancreatic beta cells secrete insulin, which inhibits secretion of glucagon from neighboring alpha cells. This activity is an instance of which of the following signaling types? Paracrine
In cellular metabolism, each enzyme has a high analogousness for a: substrate
An athlete runs a marathon, later which his muscles feel fatigued and unable to contract. The athlete asks the nurse why this happened. The nurse's response is based on the cognition that the problem is result of a deficiency of: ATP
Which phase of catabolism produces the most ATP? Citric Acid Cycle- Krebs
A nurse is teaching the staff about the phases of cellular catabolism. Which phases should the nurse include? Digestion, glycolysis, oxidation, and the citric acid wheel
A runner has depleted all the oxygen bachelor for musculus free energy. Which of the following volition facilitate his continued musculus performance? Anaerobic glycolysis
A faculty member asks a pupil to identify the appropriate term for the motion of a solute from an area of greater to bottom concentration. Which answer indicates the nursing student understood the teaching? Diffusion
Which description accurately describes electrolytes? Electrically charged molecules
A nurse is reading a chart and sees the term oncotic pressure level. The nurse recalls that oncotic force per unit area (colloid osmotic pressure level) is determined past: plasma proteins.
A patient has a trunk fluid of 300 mOsm/kg. This lab result is measuring: a. osmolality.
A nurse is discussing the motility of fluid across the arterial end of capillary membranes into the interstitial fluid surrounding the capillary. Which process of fluid movement is the nurse describing? Hydrostatic force per unit area
How are potassium and sodium transported across plasma membranes? By adenosine triphosphate enzyme (ATPase)
The ion transporter that moves Na+ and Ca2+ simultaneously in the same direction is an case of which of the following types of send? d. Symport
During which process are bacteria engulfed for ingestion? Phagocytosis
Some cancer drugs work during the cell bike phase where nuclear and cytoplasmic divisions occur. What is this cell bike phase called? Grand
Which causes the rapid change in the resting membrane potential that initiates an action potential? Sodium gates open up, and sodium rushes into the cell, changing the membrane potential from negative to positive.
A prison cell is isolated, and electrophysiology studies reveal that the resting membrane potential is seventy mV. The predominant intracellular ion is Na+, and the predominant extracellular ion is K+. action potential? K+ rushing into the cell
A nurse teaching the staff about platelet-derived growth factor includes information that platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) stimulates the production of: connective tissue cells.
The phase of the cell wheel during which the centromeres split and the sister chromatids are pulled autonomously is referred to as: anaphase
What is the role of cytokines in cell reproduction? Provide growth cistron for tissue growth and development.
A biopsy of the lung bronchi revealed ciliated epithelial cells that are capable of secretion and absorption. These cells are called _____ columnar epithelium. ciliated elementary
A student is reviewing functions of the cell. The student would exist correct in identifying a principal office of the nerve cell as: conductivity.
A nurse recalls that the basic types of tissues are: (select all that utilise) Nervus, epithelial, connective and muscle
Characteristics of prokaryotes include which of the following? a. They contain no organelles. b. Their nuclear cloth is not encased past a nuclear membrane.


Source: https://www.studystack.com/flashcard-3193321

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